Case Study: Safe Lead Paint Removal and Brick Restoration

Safe Lead Paint Removal and Brick RestorationWhen an established not-for-profit organization in Toronto took on the challenge of restoring a historic home coated in lead-based paint, they turned to Wickens Dry Ice Blasting for expert support. Subcontracted to manage the delicate process of paint removal, Wickens faced the added challenge of protecting the health and safety of nearby communities to possible lead contaminants. With our innovative process, we ensured the project was completed safely, efficiently, and without compromising the home’s original charm.

The Situation

This restoration project presented unique challenges that required careful planning and advanced techniques. The historic home was coated in four layers of lead-based paint. The layers had fused together over time, adhering to one another rather than the underlying brick, making removal particularly challenging without compromising the integrity of the aged brick.

The home’s proximity to a school heightened concerns about airborne lead dust. Traditional abrasive methods, like media blasting, were unsuitable due to the high risk of creating hazardous dust.

The Solutions

Safe Lead Paint Removal and Brick RestorationWickens closed off the working area to limit disturbance to surrounding neighbours. Wickens process was to use paint stripping chemicals and to remove all lead contaminants followed by vapour blasting to restore the masonry. This is a technique that’s dust controlled and combines compressed air, abrasive media, and water vapour to clean surfaces effectively. By encapsulating the abrasive media in water, vapour blasting reduces dust by up to 95%, making it ideal for environments where air quality is a concern.

Key Features of Vapour Blasting:

  • Reduced Media Consumption: The process uses less abrasive material compared to traditional methods, leading to cost savings and less waste.
  • Ultra-Low Dispersal Properties: The water vapor minimizes the spread of particles, ensuring contaminants are contained.
  • Effective in Various Conditions: Vapour blasting performs well in rain and high humidity, providing consistent results regardless of weather conditions.
  • Eco-Friendly: The technique is environmentally conscious, using minimal water and producing less waste, aligning with modern environmental standards.

For this project, the vapour blasting process was conducted in successive passes, in combination with gentle cleaning chemicals, without damaging the underlying brickwork. This method ensured the preservation of the home’s historic integrity. Watch our full process down below.

The Results

In two weeks, all four layers of lead paint were safely removed, revealing the historic home’s original brick façade without causing damage to the surface. The surrounding community concerns were addressed and required minimal cleanup. Delivered on time and aligned with environmental best practices, this restoration project reinforced Wickens’ reputation as a reliable and innovative leader in complex remediation projects.


Ready to Solve Your Lead Paint Challenges?

Contact Wickens Dry Ice Blasting today to explore how our advanced methods can address your toughest restoration needs. Don’t waitschedule a free consultation now and discover the difference precision can make.